Office: D 514
Tel.:     +49 7531 88-3291
Fax:     +49 7531 88-5288
astrid.kause [at]

Research interests

  • Heuristic decision making
  • Theory of uncertainty
  • Social cognition and social heuristics
  • Individual behavior in the context of climate change
  • Perception and communication of risk and uncertain statistical evidence

Professional experience

01/2016 – current Research fellow, University of Konstanz, Social Psychology and Decision Sciences
Since 2013 PhD candidate, University of Konstanz & Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlin
2012 M.Sc. in Psychology, Alpen-Adria Universität Klagenfurt, Austria
2006 – 2012 Studies of Psychology, Alpen-Adria Universität Klagenfurt and Université de Bourgogne, Dijon, France


2015 Best student paper 2015, Society for Risk Analysis, Europe

Selected presentations

Kause, A., Galesic, M., & Gaissmaier, W. (2015). When do I do what others do? Social feedback, factual knowledge, and their impact on pro-environmental behavior. Oral presentation at the 25th Subjective Probability, Utility and Decision Making Conference, Budapest, Hungary.

Kause, A. & McDowell, M. (2015). Do you get vaccinated? The role of different types of uncertainty and graphical presentation formats in vaccination decisions. Oral presentation at the 24rd SRA-E Conference, Maastricht, the Netherlands.

Kause A. & Townsend, T.(2014). Wenn der Meeresspiegel im Wohnzimmer steigt: Ein Spiel zu Umweltentscheidungen, Klimwandel und Treibhausgasemissionen im Alltag. Talk at the Pädagogische Hochschule Ludwigsburg, Institut für Mathematik, January 21.

Kause, A., Galesic, M., & Gaissmaier, W. (2014). When do I eat what others eat? Social mechanisms in the domain of pro-environmental behavior. Invited talk at Cornell University, Department of Natural Ressources, Ithaca, USA, November 18.

Kause, A., Moussaid, M. Gaissmaier, W., & Galesic, M. (2014). When peers overrule probabilities: The interplay between narratives, uncertainty and risk perception in online environments. Oral presentation at the 23rd SRA-E Conference Istanbul, Turkey.

Jenny, M. & Kause, A. (2014). Goals in risk communication and their implications for effective communication methods: A taxonomy. Oral presentation at the 23rd SRA-E Conference Istanbul, Turkey.

Kause, A. & Vitouch, O.(2012). Being thirsty enhances fairness: Dividing water instead of money in ultimatum and dictator game scenarios. Oral presentation at the 32nd Annual Conference of the Society for Judgement and Decision Making, Seattle, USA.

Kause, A. & Vitouch, O. (2012). A sip or a guzzle? Dividing water in ultimatum and dictator game scenarios. Oral presentation at the 23rd Subjective Probability, Utility and Decision Making Conference, Kingston upon Thames, England.

In preparation

Kause, A., Galesic, M., & Gaissmaier, W. (in prep.). When do I do what others do? Social influences on climate-friendly decisions in daily life.

Kause, A. McDowell, M.. (in prep.). Making uncertainty visible.An investigation into graphical presentation formats for different types of uncertainty.

Jenny, M., & Kause, A. (in prep.). Goals in risk communication and their implications for effective communication methods: A taxonomy.

Kause, A., Glück, J., Gabriel, I. & Vitouch, O. (in prep.). Brecht or Bounty? Sharing water instead of money in economic games.


Galesic, M., Kause, A., & Gaissmaier, W. (2016). A sampling framework for uncertainty in individual environmental decisions. Topics in Cognitive Science, 8, 242-258. doi: 10.1111/tops.12172

Kause, A., Prinz, R., Gaissmaier, W., & Wegwarth, O. (2014).  Risikokompetenz von Ärzten und Patienten.  In K. Hurrelmann & E. Baumann (Eds.),  Handbuch Gesundheitskommunikation (pp. 424–439).  Bern: Huber.

Bortoleto, A.P., Kause, A., & Katsikopoulos, K. (2014). The way forward for waste prevention research. In: A.P. Bortoleto (ed.). Waste Prevention Policy and Behaviour. New Approaches to Reducing Waste Generation and its Environmental Impacts (pp. 168-187). London, GB: Routledge.